Me and da Mama

Me and da Mama
Me and da Mama go on a lot of walks and do a lot of thinkin' and question askin'. This is where we'll keep track of them. At least for now.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why does my occipital lobe hurt?

I don't think that this is a question that I would normally ask but there it is - out in the open - why does my occipital lobe hurt?

Nerve degeneration.

Too much booze in my younger days. Neurosis be damned.

Why do we go running in the park and then shout when the running is amok?

A lot of shouting. A lot of amoking.

Today there was a guy in the park with a bright orange ball. A ball that I'm positive belongs to me. It came out of my backyard. I'm not sure how he got it but I'm going to get it back.